Maria Ramos

Maria Ramos (Oeiras/Barlavento Algarvio). From 1996 to 2009, she lived in the Netherlands where she studied and developed her professional career as a dancer. She worked with various choreographers in the Netherlands, Germany, UK and US, amongst which Angus Balbernie. She has a degree in dance and master’s in choreography from ArtEZ – Instituto das Artes in Arnhem, the Netherlands. In Lisbon, she took a course on research and creation at Fórum Dança, in the context of which she created the first work in the trilogy “Um Certo Grau de Imobilidade” (A Certain Degree of Immobility), a series of works composed of the pieces “7pm/Rumour”, “Nerves Like Nylon”and“Something Still Uncaptured”, performed in the Netherlands, Portugal and Argentina.

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